The fastest goal in El Clasico history

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The fastest goal in El Clasico history

Karim Benzema is the one who scored the fastest goal ever in the El Clasico

The name is underrated but enough to create fear in some of the teams. Karim Benzema is one of the best striker in the world but an underrated one.

The Real Madrid superstar is quick enough to score goals and more goals and more goals as soon as the ball come to his foot. He is the most important striker for Madrid and is the major reason for Real Madrid’s 3rd position on points table.

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El Clasico is the greatest football rivalry in history. Most of the records in El Clasicos are made by Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi. But the record for fastest goal in the El Clasico history goes to Karim Benzema.

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In 2011, Benzema scored a goal in just the first 21 seconds after the kickoff of the match. Although Madrid lost by 3-1 in the end but a record is a record and Benzema is the holder of it. The record is not broken by anyone till date and still remains instinct.

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The El Clasicos of before 2018 were the ones that every football never ever want to miss. The reason; the clash between the two greatest players, Ronaldo and Messi. After Ronaldo’s arrival in Juventus, the joy of watching an El Clasico has been decreased.

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