Virat Kohli recently declined the captaincy of the Delhi Ranji team for their upcoming match against Railways, opting instead to support young Ayush Badoni in the leadership role. This decision comes as Kohli returns to domestic cricket after a significant hiatus, marking his first appearance in over 12 years.
Key Details:
Refusal of Captaincy: Kohli was approached by the Delhi and District Cricket Association (DDCA) to lead the team, but he declined, stating, “Let Ayush Badoni continue. I don’t want to lead”. His choice reflects a desire to allow Badoni to maintain his position and avoid disrupting team dynamics.
Reasons for Declining:
Focus on Performance: Kohli aims to concentrate on his batting ahead of the Champions Trophy, feeling that captaincy would add unnecessary pressure during this crucial match.
Team Harmony: Taking over the captaincy could create friction within a squad that has been working hard throughout the season. Kohli’s decision is seen as a selfless act to preserve team balance and morale.
Avoiding Spotlight: Kohli expressed a wish not to overshadow Badoni’s leadership, treating this return match as just another game rather than a personal comeback spectacle.
Upcoming Match
Kohli is set to play in the Ranji Trophy match against Railways at the Arun Jaitley Stadium from January 30 to February 2, 2025. His participation is highly anticipated by fans, as he prepares for international commitments shortly after this domestic fixture.