Virat Kohli and his wife Anushka Sharma recently visited the esteemed spiritual leader, Premanand Maharaj, in Vrindavan, Uttar Pradesh, accompanied by their children, Vamika and Akaay. This visit took place shortly after Kohli’s challenging performance in the Border-Gavaskar Trophy against Australia, where he struggled with consistency, scoring only 190 runs over nine innings despite starting strong with a century in the first match.
Visit Details
- Date – January 10, 2025
- Location – Premanand Maharaj’s ashram in Vrindavan
- Family Members Present – Virat Kohli, Anushka Sharma, Vamika, and Akaay
During their visit, the couple engaged in a heartfelt conversation with Maharaj, who offered them spiritual guidance and praised Kohli for his contributions to Indian cricket. He emphasized the importance of maintaining balance in life amidst its ups and downs. Anushka expressed her desire for “prem-bhakti” (devotional love), highlighting their commitment to spirituality and seeking blessings during trying times.
Potential Impact on Career
- Mental Resilience – Spiritual visits like this often serve as a source of mental strength for athletes. Kohli’s engagement with Maharaj could help him regain focus and confidence, qualities essential for overcoming performance slumps in high-pressure environments like international cricket.
- Spritual Commitment – Kohli and Anushka Sharma’s commitment to spirituality reflects their approach to handling life’s pressures. This mindset may foster a more balanced perspective on both personal and professional challenges, potentially leading to better outcomes in future matches.
Background Context
Kohli’s visit comes in the wake of criticism regarding his recent performances and on-field controversies during the Test series against Australia. His struggles have led to discussions about his future in Test cricket as he approaches the latter stages of his career. The couple’s spiritual journey has been a recurring theme in their lives, reflecting their dedication to inner peace and resilience through faith.
This visit is not their first to Premanand Maharaj; they previously sought his blessings in January 2023, demonstrating a longstanding relationship with the guru. The family’s commitment to spirituality is evident as they continue to prioritize these values amid the pressures of public life and professional challenges.